LIFE IN 2023!
On-demand access to the workshop replay FREE When You Buy Yasmin Boland's Best-Selling,
Limited Edition Moonology Diary 2023 And Enter Your Details Below!
Meditation Chakras
We will explore the role of moonology and astrology in manifestation and how you can use astrological transits, energies, and affirmations to amplify your manifestation efforts.
  • This webinar is suitable for anyone who wants to manifest more love and abundance in their life. No prior knowledge of moonology or astrology is required!
  • Don't miss this opportunity to learn powerful manifestation techniques and start manifesting more love and money in your life. 
  • ​Entry is FREE when you register your Moonology Diary 2023 - see the bottom of this page for how to do that! 
Are you Ready To Manifest More Love And Money
In Your Life in 2023?
Watch the replay of the #1 event for manifesting your desires hosted by the world's #1 Manifesting OG! 

You’ll learn 5 powerful tips for manifesting more love and money. Whether you’re looking to find a romantic partner, make more money at your job, or start a new business, these tips can help you manifest your goals.

You will learn how to:
  •  Set clear, specific goals for what you want to manifest
  •  Believe in your ability to manifest your desires
  •  Focus on abundance and let go of scarcity thinking
  •  Take action towards your goals
  •  Let go of resistance and negative thoughts that may be holding you back
Manifesting tickets
This Event Is FREE When You Buy Yasmin Boland's Best-Selling,
Limited Edition Moonology Diary 2023 And Enter Your Details Below!
On-demand access to the workshop replay, When You Buy Yasmin Boland's Best-Selling, Limited Edition Moonology Diary 2023 And Enter Your Details Below!

Unlock the Secrets of Astrology to Manifest More Love and Money




Sheila Gibbons


Georgina Thompson

So are you ready to manifest more love and money in 2023? Join us for this exciting and empowering January 8 online event on manifesting your desires!

  • You'll learn 5 powerful tips for manifesting more love and money. Whether you are looking to find a romantic partner, make more money at your job, or start a new business, these tips can help you manifest your goals.
  • We will of course also explore the role of astrology in manifestation and how you can use astrological transits, energies, and affirmations to amplify your manifestation efforts.
  • This event is suitable for anyone who wants to manifest more love and abundance in their life. No prior knowledge of astrology is required.

Are you tired of feeling stuck and not getting the love and abundance you deserve? It's time to take control of your life and start manifesting your desires!

  • You will learn nowt work with your astrological chart: To use astrology for manifestation, it's important to first understand your own astrological chart. This includes your sun sign, moon sign, and other planetary positions at the time of your birth. You can use this information to better understand your unique strengths, challenges, and potential areas for manifestation.
  • We will look at your love and money planets: In astrology, certain planets are associated with love and money. Venus is actually associated with love and abundance! 
  • You will learn about astrological transits: Transits, or the current positions of the planets, can also provide insight into manifestation potential. For example, if Venus is transiting through a harmonious aspect with your sun sign, it may be a good time to focus on manifesting love.ow and start manifesting your goals!"

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an email from us! 

PS One More Thing...
You'll Also Receive A Bonus PDF

In astrology, Chiron is the planetoid all about healing. Find out where he is in your chart between now and 2027 and where healing is most possible for you - this PDF is a free bonus when you buy the Moonology Diary and sign up for the Manifesting Love & Money event.

Why healing matters

Get this PDF about healing as a sign up bonus

Emotional healing is an important process that can help us to improve our mental and physical well-being, and lead a more fulfilling and meaningful life. Here are some reasons why we need to heal emotionally:

To cope with stress and challenges: Life can be tough at times, and we all face stress and challenges that can take a toll on our emotional health. By healing emotionally, we can better manage our emotions and reactions to stress, and find healthy ways to cope with difficult situations.

To build healthier relationships: Emotional healing can help us to build stronger, more positive relationships with others. By working through our emotional issues and learning to communicate more effectively, we can improve our interactions with others and build more meaningful connections.

To improve physical health: Our emotional and physical health are closely connected. Chronic stress and negative emotions can have a negative impact on our physical health, leading to conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and immune system problems. By healing emotionally, we can improve our overall physical health and well-being.

To find inner peace and happiness: Emotional healing can help us to find inner peace and contentment, and to live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. By working through our emotional issues and learning to accept and love ourselves, we can find greater happiness and joy in our daily lives.

Overall, emotional healing is an important process that can have a positive impact on all aspects of our lives. Whether we are dealing with stress and challenges, building healthier relationships, improving our physical health, or finding inner peace and happiness, healing emotionally can help us to lead a more fulfilling and meaningful life.
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About your host 

Yasmin Boland

Yasmin Boland is an award-winning astrologer and the best-selling author of books including Moonology and Astrology Made Easy. She's also creator of the Moonology Oracle Cards, which have sold more than half a million decks, making them the best-selling oracle cards ever! Yasmin has been named on the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People list and voted the UK's most loved astrologer. 

She is read by millions of people each month via her columns online and in magazines and newspapers around the world. Her work has been translated into more than 15 languages. You can read her horoscopes on or find her on Facebook at

Once a journalist and tv producer, a couple of well-timed eclipses 20 years ago turned Yasmin Boland into an award-winning astrologer and Sunday Times best-selling Hay House author of books including Moonology and Astrology Made Easy. Her passion is helping women find their power, with the Moon as their guide. Find Yasmin at

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