If ONLY there were a way to know what the intense April 20 eclipse means for YOU! Well there is!

I am offering a $9 Eclipse Alchemy Masterclass to show you how you can work with the April 20 New Moon eclipse to transform your life! Welcome to The Moonology Method.

Replay available shortly after for everyone who has registered
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

The event goes live on April 20 
London: 5am
Los Angeles: xxx

Click here for the time where YOU are.

If you can't make the live, we will send the replay

I’ll be teaching you

- How you can work with this eclipse and every New Moon to make wishes that work using the world-famous Moonology Method of manifesting (which I created!)

- What the April 20 eclipse means for YOU
- how to create a personal plan that will move you closer to your goals

- How to supercharge your intentions with the power of crystals, altars, oracle cards, creative visualisation, chanting and other boosting techniques!

- You’ll get a free guide and workbook to download and keep for this and every New Moon 

And it’s just $9

Don’t miss this chance to map out the rest of your year

We're holding this Masterclass because this is one of the most powerful moments of the year

This upcoming eclipse will be a momentous event, as it clashes with Pluto, the planet of transformation. If you're feeling stuck, lost, or uncertain about your life's path, this is the perfect opportunity to harness the intense energies of the eclipse and change your life for the better.

During the Eclipse Alchemy Workshop, we will explore the powerful energies of the eclipse and how to use them to your advantage. The eclipse offers us a chance to break free from anything or anyone toxic in our lives, and with Pluto's influence, we can truly transform our lives. It may not be easy, but it will be worthwhile.

Through guided meditations and exercises, we will help you align with the energies of the eclipse and make them ease up a little. We will explore ways to tap into your intuition, release any limiting beliefs, and set new intentions for the future. The Eclipse Alchemy Workshop will provide you with the tools and support you need to navigate this intense period and emerge on the other side with a renewed sense of purpose and clarity.

And if you can't make the live, you will be sent a link for the replay.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your life. Join us for the Eclipse Alchemy Workshop on April 20, 2023, and embrace the power of the eclipse. Sign up now to reserve your spot!

A New Moon in Aries worksheet

A New Moon in Aries worksheet

A link to cast your chart

PDF: Where the eclipse is for you

PDF: With pics of Athena + Ariel

A recording of the Aries mantra

Yasmin Boland, All Rights Reserved.
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