Your New Moon Kit - it's free!
Overcome overwhelm by taking just 20 minutes each month to think about what you want to create in your life. The kit is designed to help you do that.
The latest New Moon worksheet
The New Moon wishing guide
New Moon Crystal Grid Info
Work with the New Moon to consciously create your life
Time to the New Moon in Cancer on July 5th
Time to the New Moon in Cancer on July 5th
The first step is to get clarity
The New Moon worksheet has been designed specifically to help you get clarity around the issues connected with THIS MONTH'S New Moon
It's SO important to get clear on what you want before you start to make your New Moon wishes and this will help you to do that. I created these worksheets for you but find them super-powerful and always use them myself too! I know that part of living consciously and intentionally means understanding the New Moon energies every month - and this will help you do that! 
A dream is a wish your heart makes
Once you know what you want, you are already half way to attracting it into your life. Now super-charge your chance of manifesting it with this simple guide
But there is an art to making New Moon wishes. We have put all the info for you need (from my best-selling book Moonology) into this simple PDF guide. You'll learn the 7 steps needed to make powerful New Moon wishes and set your intentions under the New Moon. Just follow the instructions.

Do you love the Moon and crystals?
It's said that crystals have been used since Atlantean times to harness energies - now you can learn how to harness the New Moon energies with a simple "starter" crystal grid
Now that you know what you want and you've set your intentions, this simple crystal grid will focus and amplify it all. This FREE guide will give you a quick at-a-glace guide to which crystals you need to use to work with the particular energies of THIS MONTH'S New Moon. It's an opportunity not to be missed! You will also receive access to Yasmin's free Facebook Live during which she will construct the grid.
You Information is 100% Secure And Will Never Be Shared With Anyone.
The New Moon is a super powerful time to make wishes!
I've been working the with Moon for 20 years, learning about conscious creating in mind-blowing ways.
What these PDFs will teach you
The 5 Most Important Tips:
  • The New Moon worksheet will guide you through the important process to clarify your intentions connected with the New Moon - intention is everything! 
  • The New Moon wishing guide gives you everything you need to know about how to set your intentions at the time of a New Moon.
  • A crystal grid is a super powerful way to harness your intentions under the New Moon energies. 
  • We will build the grid together online at a free Facebook Live you will be sent details about once you download. If you can't make the Facebook Live, you'll have free access to the replay 
  • Yasmin has been working with New Moon wishes for 20 years but is a "crystal newbie" so if you are too, it will be perfect for you to learn together
  • We will program the grid with our intentions and leave it in place for two weeks, until the time of the Full Moon - when we will surrender it all to the Divine! 
You Information is 100% Secure And Will Never Be Shared With Anyone.
You will also receive...
* Free sign-up to the (free!) Moon Lite Club to keep you on track with your Moon manifesting

* An emailed invitation to join Yasmin's free Facebook Live on so you can decode the New Moon and build the crystal grid together
* A link to find out the time of the New Moon wherever you are in the world 

* An invitation to join Yasmin's private Facebook group where you can stay up to date with events and meet like-minded souls
Here's the thing; wishes really can come true - if you believe in them! 
Me and my best ever New Moon wish
True story...
It was a warm spring evening in Paris. March 20, 2004.
I was looking for love and I wasn't ashamed to admit it. I had just arrived in Paris, staying at the flat of a friend who was away.
It was late afternoon and I knew I had just under an hour to get to the Eiffel Tower.
Why? Because it was New Moon night and I was in Paris – of course I was going to go and make some wishes!
I had been told that taxis in Paris weren't too expensive, so I flagged the first one I saw on the street, just outside where I was staying in the 6th arrondissement. A couple of euros and ten minutes later, I was under the stunning monument that is the Eiffel Tour, the centre-piece of the City of Light.
I fancied that the spire at the top of it was going to make the PERFECT conductor for my wishes as I sent them out to the Universe.
I wished for love, I wished to live in Paris, I wished for the work that I needed for that to happen, I wished to meet new friends … and I wished to make more wishes at the Eiffel Tower.
And all five came true. But not necessarily the way that I expected them to! And not all at once. 

One thing my magical time living in Paris taught me is that New Moon wishes and intentions really do come true. 

I invite to you start to work with the Moon. Start with New Moon intentions and see where it all takes you. Your wishes might even change along the way and/or come true in amazing ways! 

The cycle is waxing and waning, New and Full Moon, intention and surrender. Start now and give yourself at least a few months of working with the lunar cycle and notice the amazing changes. 

Go deep. Invest in yourself. The Moon is free! 
About The Author
Yasmin Boland

Yasmin Boland calls herself "a Moonchild who teaches about the astrology of the Moon". She is in fact a former journalist and tv producer turned best-selling author and award-winning astrologer. Her Hay House book Moonology has been in the top 5 astrology bestsellers lists for three years and her horoscope and New Age columns are read by millions of people around the world every month. Yasmin worked with crystal experts Rebekah Debono and Janelle Scialla to create this grid.
What other people say about Yasmin

  • Yasmin knows her stuff
    - The late, great UK astrologer extraordinaire, Jonathan Cainer
  • Yasmin Boland is a powerful and profound guide in all matters of our deep inner world. 
    - Sonia Choquette, New York Times best-selling author
  • Yasmin is incredible and I am a huge fan of everything she does.
    - Mel Wells, speaker and best-selling author of The Goddess Revolution 
  • I love Yasmin Boland. She has a special way of making astrology simple. 
    - Rebecca Campbell,  best-selling author of Light Is The New Black 
  • The most important thing to know when working with Yasmin is she is an absolute master in her fields of expertise in astrology, coaching, and the art of self expression.
    - Amrita Anjani, founder of 'The Purpose Project' - Sun Moon and Stars Ltd PO Box 77180 LONDON W6 6ND