Download Your Free Guide:

Harness the Final Transformation Energy of Pluto in Capricorn!

Your Ultimate Cheat Sheet to Work with
Pluto’s Last Retrograde in Capricorn Until 2254
Pluto, the planet of deep transformation, is completing its journey through Capricorn—a powerful cycle that began in 2008. As Pluto enters its final retrograde in Capricorn from September 2 to November 19, 2024, this is your last chance to engage with its transformative energy until 2254.

Are you ready to clear out the old and embrace a new chapter?

What You’ll Get in This Free Cheat Sheet:

Pluto’s Journey Through Capricorn:

Understand the significance of Pluto’s transit in Capricorn and how it has been impacting your life since 2008.

Spiritual Practices: 

Learn how to work with Archangel Michael for protection and Goddess Juno for wisdom during this transformative period.

Bonus Insight:

A sneak peek into what Pluto’s next move means for you as it prepares to enter Aquarius.
Pluto's Last Stand

Why You Need This Cheat Sheet:

This cheat sheet is your essential guide to making the most of Pluto’s final moments in Capricorn. Discover how to get a Cosmic Clear Out! Whether you’re looking to release old patterns, strengthen your relationships, or align with your true purpose, this guide will help you navigate this intense period with confidence and clarity.

Why You Need A Cosmic Clear Out: 

Life is hurtling along faster than ever and nearly every day brings ups and downs. The good thing is that we can deal with everything coming our way as long as we do Cosmic Clear Outs along the way... because remember, like attracts like ... so if you're all jammed up with upsets, you will attract more upsets. Pluto's last few months in Capricorn gives us the chance to do a last Cosmic Clear Out in anything and everything to do with the Pluto in Capricorn cycle.
Prepare for Pluto’s last stand in Capricorn and transform your life.